High-Security Wallet Access Through MPC

Our unique approach to private key management leverages the power of Multi-Party Computation (MPC), dividing the private key into three separate parts:

  • User's Local Share: A portion of the private key is stored locally on the user's device, giving the user direct control over part of their key.

  • Ruby Server Share: A second share is stored on our secure Ruby server. By splitting the key between the user and the server, we balance convenience with security.

  • Third-Party Cold Storage Share: The final part of the private key is stored securely in third-party cold storage. This storage is entirely offline, providing a secure vault resilient against online threats.

A remarkable feature of this system is that any two parts can reconstruct the complete private key. This design will introduce a host of benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: No single party has access to the complete private key, reducing the likelihood of total key compromise. Even if one part is compromised, the key remains secure.

  • Convenience and User Control: By storing a part of the key locally, users have a sense of ownership and control. At the same time, integrating a standard authentication method, such as Google login, simplifies the access procedure for the user.

  • Fault Tolerance and Redundancy: With the key distributed across multiple locations, the loss or compromise of one party doesn't mean the complete loss of the entire private key. It can be reconstructed from the remaining two parts.

  • Superior Privacy Protection: Since the complete key is never present in any single location, user privacy and data confidentiality are maintained at all times.

  • Third-Party Cold Storage Security: This additional layer of security ensures that even in the unlikely event of both the user's local share and the Ruby server's share being compromised, the cold storage share remains secure and inaccessible to online attacks. The cold storage design serves as the last line of defense.

Blockchain, cryptocurrency, and Web3 have their places in technology history because they all share the same attribute that offers users an unprecedented level of decentralization, security, and robustness. By leveraging the components mentioned above with the unique user interface, we've developed a system that offers users the same uncompromised security while helping them manage their wealth and data more efficiently.

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