Contract Accounts for Secure and User-Friendly Blockchain Interaction

Building upon our MPC-based private key management system, we've designed an advanced account system that employs contract accounts instead of Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs). This approach carries several significant advantages for institutions and retail users too:

  • High-Level Security through MPC: Contract accounts in our system are controlled by the private key managed via MPC. This architecture means the account's security is as robust as our MPC-based private key system, which requires at least two out of three key shares to access the account.

  • Social Recovery of Lost Private Key: By designing the system to allow for social recovery, we've introduced a solution for the potential loss of the private key. If users lose their private key, they can recover access to their account through social media mechanisms, such as DKIM email verification. This feature enhances both security and usability.

  • Flexible Gas Payment Options: Our system allows gas payments through the Ruby server, which provides users with various payment options. Users can pay gas fees using ERC20 tokens or other methods without buying ETH, thereby simplifying transaction costs.

  • Transaction Privacy through Unified Relay: We've implemented a unified relay system to send transactions, allowing users to conceal their addresses and IPs. This system enhances privacy and provides an additional layer of security.

By adopting contract accounts controlled by an MPC-managed private key system, we offer users more secure, user-friendly, and versatile experiences when interacting with blockchains. This solution combines the strengths of our MPC-based private key system with the flexibility and user-centric benefits of contract accounts, delivering an unmatched blockchain experience for our users.

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